my gosh how I hate putting titles xD
I often have No ideas >_>
-first draw-a band xD
it happened I tryed to draw an alternative band xD
with very different people..
a gothic-lolita, a visual kei man,
a rasta dude and a gothic guy..
4 styles I really like <3
the idea is from
Good Charlotte Shotlately I've been listening again to theyr songs xD
(after a period I hated 'em xDD)
-second draw-OMG fairies O__ò'''?
yeah, fairies xDD
just...I was wondering about some cakes etc
and then I sketched this one xDD
but...the colours didn't came out as I wanted
I forgot what I had to put
and I mistaked with some colours..
(too much damn pink!)
damn xD
but I like how the fairies came out xD
I enjoyed drawing the dresses
and the big one on the right <3
-third draw-awwww Claude <3
he's my favourite GTA character *ç*
he's so cool UuU
from GTA III with love xD
the best episode, I think
well, even San Andreas is greath
ooh damn they're ALL greath xDD
but the 3rd is the one I liked best ù.u
soon I'm gonna play again to the 3rd..
..after i finish Tomb Rider Anniversary xD
(Lara Croft, I love u too <3<3)