mercoledì 25 novembre 2009

children of the corn

I Figli del Grano

I read the story by Stephen King (<3) Children of the Corn (I figli del grano in italian)
and, boh I wanted to do it on a single sheet
but the it come out too long even for 2..
I have no patience xD
I gave up ince after finishing the 1st sheet
and I gave up for quite a onth after finishing the inking
of the 2nd sheet
and I definitely gave up even before inking the 3rd
That's because I have n patience
and even because if I don't finish quick an idea
it loses my interest and anotherone comes out xD
that's why I could never do something like a graphic novel etcc
I don't have patience (or maybe itìs called in a nother way xD)
anyway..i wanna see the movie Children of the Corn xDD

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